Crutcher's News
June 2014 - Closing Saturdays
We want to thank everyone with their support on Saturdays however in an effort to improve our service level during the week we are suspending our Saturday service hours. Unfortunately being open 6 days but only working our employees 5 days per week caused us to be always short staffed and caused us to have serious backlogs during the week. We have made the decision to close Saturdays so we can have full staffing during the week to hopefully regain control over our workload. We are hoping that with additional staff we can revisit Saturdays in the future.
October 2012 - Introducing More Convenient Service Hours
Our customers have asked us if we are open on Saturday for as long as I can remember.... well now we are. We understand how hard it can be to deal with your car when you have to work all week so we are staying open later and on Saturdays to help out. Starting October 13 2012 we are now open an additional hour during the week (until 6PM) and from 8AM till 5PM on saturdays.
May 2012 - Alignment's, We do that!
After years of not being able to service our alignment customers in house we have acquired a top of the line Hunter Alignment System to provide fast and accurate alignment checks, corrections, and diagnostics. This system allows us to find out the alignment status of your car in a fraction of the time required for older systems.
May 2010 - Coolant Flush Machine Added
We have been manually flushing cooling systems (radiators and such) for years but we have recently acquired a power flush machine that will vacuum out your old coolant while inserting new coolant, this process is cleaner, faster, and more complete than other methods. Basic flush service starts with 2 gallons of coolant but larger systems or really dirty or rusty systems may need 6 gallons or more to clear up the system. As usual you are welcome to call us with any questions.
May 2009 - We now accept American Express
After all these years we are finally setup to accept American Express cards, it seems that we were having more and more instances of this causing problems for customers but now we can accept all four major credit cards.
March 2009 - Finally more space!
We have finally opened our expansion space after months of preparation. The expansion is into the former cabinet shop located directly beside our current building (only 12 feet away). We have moved our office into the building which provides a much improved customer experience with a large waiting area, complimentary drinks, TV, Free Wifi, and clean restrooms. Our new office is Handicap friendly and also has a baby changing station in the restroom. If you have been a customer very long you will be amazed at the improvement.
Additionally the new building houses a quick service bay to facilitate oil changes and other basic services while you wait. This had been a problem for us in our old building and was a specific focus for the expansion.
If you haven't been in lately stop in and check it out, you don't have to need something to stop by and see us.
September 2008 - Crutcher's welcomes Drivers Way customers.
At Crutcher’s we were flattered when Driver’s Way selected us for providing continuing service to their customers due to their unfortunate closing of the Franklin location. We are very proud of the reputation that led to their decision and constantly strive to provide our customers with the best service possible. We are performing repair under the Drivers Way limited warranty as well as the extended warranty programs they sold with their vehicle purchases. We work with many other aftermarket warranty companies as well so if you have one be sure to ask us about it.
August 2008 - Crutcher's new image.
We have updated our site and other printed information with our new logo which is part of some exciting changes to our look and feel, stay tuned for more info but don't worry, no new management here.
May 2008 - Crutcher's Launches Online Records, Thank You Cards.
We are now providing online access to your service history, qualifying purchases receive information on how to access the system on our thank you cards however you can sign up without the card. Check out the my car section for more information.
April 2008 - Crutcher's Offering Buy 3 Get 1 Free Oil Change Pennzoil Program.
We now have Pennzoil Rewards cards which allow you to get your fourth oil change free. Some restrictions apply, stop in for full details.
February 2008 - Crutcher's begins offering Nationwide Warranty by joining Certified Auto Repair Program.
We have joined the Certified Auto Repair program allowing us to offer customers a nationwide warranty on most work we perform offering additional peace of mind while your on the road. If you are over 25 miles from our service center and experience a problem with a repair we performed in the first 12 months or 12,000 miles contact the number provided in the warranty documentation. More Information can be found here.
September 2007 - Crutcher's adds Ford OE diagnostics.
Given the huge benefits we have found by investing in factory scan tools we are continuing to enhance our service offerings by adding Ford/Lincoln/Mercury OE capabilities to our diagnostic abilities and we hope to add Chrysler/Dodge capabilities as soon as the future or their factory tools clear up a bit.
May 21 2007 - A new look in the office to go with the new face.
We have changed the office layout to be more efficient by removing the old bulky desks and replacing them with counters which are more appropriate for our industry. Additionally we have a new service advisor to assist in our operations.
February 2007 - Additional equipment added to improve diagnostic abilities
We have purchased a new, top of the line Engine Analyzer / Oscilloscope which will assist in tough problem diagnostics, the additional capabilities provided will help us better troubleshoot various drivability problems that scan tools just cant capture. Think of this machine as an EKG for your cars engine.
January 1 2007 - New managements systems to streamline future administrative processes
As of Jan. 1, 2007 we are moving our shop management onto computer to serve you better, this will provide faster drop off for repeat customers, easy access to history records created once system is in place, more professional invoices with more complete service information, and better tracking of vehicle status while in our facility.
January 1 2007 - Crutcher's Auto Repair Inc. is Born
As of Jan. 1, 2007 we have incorporated and are operating as Crutcher's Auto Repair Inc. This was chosen to better position the business for the future, the only real effect on our customers would be if you are a business submitting form 1099 annually as we have been issues a new FEID, otherwise it's the same folks providing the service we always have.
NOTE to Vendors: You will need to have a copy of our new resale certificate on file also.
December 31 2006 - Crutcher's Auto Repair Closes after 26 Years
Well, sort of, don't worry, we just incorporated.
October 2006 - Crutcher's adds OEM Level diagnostic tools for GM, Toyota, Lexus, Honda, and Acura
We have purchased a Vetronix Tech 2 which is the diagnostic tool used by GM dealers for vehicle diagnostics, this tool will also allow us to re-flash (update) the programming of the various control modules in GM vehicles. Additionally we have added the Toyota and Honda OEM package to our Vetronix MasterTech giving us better diagnostic capabilities and the added capability to also re-flash Toyota controllers.
September 2006 - Crutcher's adds night drop off box
We have finally added a weatherproof box containing night drop off envelops to compliment the key drop in our front door, no more keys rolled in napkins or loose keys pitched under the desk!!
June 2006 - Crutcher's increases EVAP diagnostics capabilities
We have purchased an Evaporative Emissions System leak detector to allow us to diagnose the pesky EVAP system leaks that illuminate your check engine lights and cause emissions failures
May 2006 - Crutcher's becomes an ACDelco TSS
We have signed on as an ACDelco Total Service Support Center which allows us to offer a nationwide warranty on ACDelco parts we install on your vehicle via ACDelco and the network of other TSS centers around the country. Additionally the ACDelco program gives us access to technical and business training to better serve you and your car.